Still looking for a house. Boo NoVa (northern virginia) real estate market. Investors planning on flipping who undercut families who just want to buy a house are evil. Also, if the bank forecloses on you, chances are it is your fault not the bank's. So, it would be much appreciated if you quit stripping out everything (appliances, fixtures, switch plates, vanities, mirrors, baseboards, toilets, door knobs, etc.) in an effort to screw the bank. All you are really doing is screwing your used to be neighbors because that house is now worth half of what it was and now their property value sucks.
i have more sewing projects than I have time. I guess that isn't a bad thing, it must mean

Daphne is as spoiled as ever. She has become slightly obsessed with rawhide chewtoys and gets mad when we take them away. Brandon is trying to teach her to play dead, she doesn't like having to lay still, but she is starting to catch on. We took her to the hotel with us for our 1st year anniversary, so spoiled.
Daphne at Helix

And that is pretty much it for what is going on in my life outside of eating, breathing, sleeping, watching politics 24/7. Yes, I'm lame. Informed, but lame. I really need to find a job that will put my compulsive need to watch the news for political information/read blogs with political rantings/tweet the latest way Obama's trying to screw us/update facebook with news the mainstream media won't report, to use.
If anyone knows of this type of job I can be reached on twitter 24/7.
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