Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Move On Loves Them Some Hoosiers
The most annoying thing about this email is that it is so childish. Personifying Obamacare? Really? Apparently this works for the people they are targeting. To me, it looks like desperation.
On a positive note, all of Lugar and Bayh's phone numbers are listed. I suggest you call their offices and tell them that they are slimy and plan on voting them out in the next election.
>>> "The public option" <> 9/23/2009 5:22 PM >>>
Hi, I'm the public health insurance option.
People have been saying all sorts of untrue things about me lately, so I decided it was time to stand up and set the record straight.
First off: the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I'm happy and healthy. And I'm proud to play a starring role in four of the five health reform bills currently on the table.
Second: I have a lot of friends. President Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi support me--as do 77% of the American people.1 In fact, I'm feeling pretty popular.
But there is one area where I could use your help. The Senate Finance Committee is considering a "trigger" proposal that could kill me through indefinite delay.
Can you call your senators, Evan Bayh and Richard Lugar, and tell them that health care reform must include a real public health insurance option that's available immediately--not a "trigger"?
Here's where to call:
Senator Evan Bayh
Phone: 202-224-5623
District Offices:
Evansville: 812-465-6500
Fort Wayne: 260-426-3151
Hammond: 219-852-2763
Indianapolis: 317-554-0750
Jeffersonville: 812-218-2317
South Bend: 574-236-8302
Senator Richard Lugar
Phone: 202-224-4814
District Offices:
Evansville: 812-465-6313
Fort Wayne: 260-422-1505
Indianapolis: 317-226-5555
Valparaiso: 219-548-8035
Then click here to report your call:
A "trigger" that would make me wait to become available is just a trap designed to kill me. As Senator Charles Schumer has pointed out, "any reasonable criteria for triggering a public plan has already been met" because insurance companies have already failed to rein in costs and
expand coverage.2
Here are some other things you might not know about me:
* I like candlelit dinners, overseas travel, and long walks on the beach. Whoops, sorry--wrong email.
* Some people say they don't like me because I'm too expensive, but that's just a flat-out lie. Keeping me around will actually save money--I'd cost 10% less than the typical private plan.3
* I'm the best way to keep insurance companies honest. Like my friend Senator Jay Rockefeller has said, "Without the steady, positive influence of a public plan option in the marketplace, we will never truly solve the health care crisis in this country. Private health insurance has a long history of cutting people off or charging too much for too little."4
* Over 60 House progressives have publicly pledged to only vote for a bill that has me in it.5 So without me, health care reform doesn't have enough votes make it through Congress.
And I'm counting on your help to make it through the Senate. Can you call
Sens. Bayh and Lugar today?
Senator Evan Bayh
Phone: 202-224-5623
District Offices:
Evansville: 812-465-6500
Fort Wayne: 260-426-3151
Hammond: 219-852-2763
Indianapolis: 317-554-0750
Jeffersonville: 812-218-2317
South Bend: 574-236-8302
Senator Richard Lugar
Phone: 202-224-4814
District Offices:
Evansville: 812-465-6313
Fort Wayne: 260-422-1505
Indianapolis: 317-226-5555
Valparaiso: 219-548-8035
Then click here to report your call:
Thanks for all you do.
--The public health insurance option (and the MoveOn team)
1. "New Poll: 77 Percent Support 'Choice' Of Public Option," The
Huffington Post, August 20, 2009
2."A 'trigger' for the public health insurance option? Already triggered."
NOW! Blog, May 20, 2009.
3. Letter to Rep. Charles B. Rangel, Congressional Budget Office, July 14,
4. "Rockefeller Unveils Public Plan Option," Office of Sen. Jay
Rockefeller, June 10, 2009
5. "60 Members of Congress Say 'No Public Plan, No Conference,'"
Firedoglake, August 17, 2009
Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million
members--no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny
staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009
And Now Some News From Emily's Non-political Life
i have more sewing projects than I have time. I guess that isn't a bad thing, it must mean

And that is pretty much it for what is going on in my life outside of eating, breathing, sleeping, watching politics 24/7. Yes, I'm lame. Informed, but lame. I really need to find a job that will put my compulsive need to watch the news for political information/read blogs with political rantings/tweet the latest way Obama's trying to screw us/update facebook with news the mainstream media won't report, to use.
If anyone knows of this type of job I can be reached on twitter 24/7.
Moving on Over to Astroturfing
I've got one question for you, who are the Astroturfers now?
I have the email if you would like me to forward it to you. I thought text would be more helpful than just screen shots. I took out the name of the original person this was sent to for his privacy.
>>> "Kat Barr, Political Action" <> 9/22/2009 5:24 PM >>>
Dear MoveOn member,
Earlier today, we sent you a funny video featuring Will Ferrell talking
about the plight of insurance company executives--the "real" victims in
the health care fight.
The video is catching FIRE! Already over 600,000 people have seen it, and
it's on the verge of going truly viral. Can you help make sure it does by
posting this as your status on Facebook, with a link to the video?
No health insurance company should have to lose one cent of their billions
in profits just because sick Americans need health care. If you agree with
Will Ferrell, please post this as your status for a
You probably saw a couple weeks ago when a similar--but serious--status
update went viral on Facebook. Let's make it happen again, this time using
the power of snark to continue to spread the word about how crucial health
care reform is.
And watch the video if you haven't yet! It's pretty darn funny, if we do
say so ourselves. ;)
--Kat, Laura, Stephen, Marika, and the rest of the team
P.S. If you're on Twitter, can you tweet this, too?
RT @MoveOn Will Ferrell's sticking up for the "real" victims--the
super-rich health insurance executives: #sickofit
Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million
members--no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny
staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.
Visible links
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This
email was sent to _______ on September 22, 2009>.
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To remove yourself (_______) from this list, visit:
Monday, September 14, 2009
Why I Marched

Someday I am going to have kids and if all these bailouts/health care/stimulus continue to pass they are going to be in debt up to their eyeballs. They are going to ask me why I let this happen and why they can't have the same opportunities I did.

I want to be able to tell my kids that I was fighting for them.
And hopefully, I won't have to answer those questions because I and a couple hundred thousand of my closest friends spoke out to stop the madness and the people in Washington actually listened.

And that is why I marched on 9/12.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Glenn Beck 1, Van Jones 0
If you don't know, Mark Llyod is the FCC Czar and likes to say things like:
"It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press. This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies.
"[T]he purpose of free speech is warped to protect global corporations and block rules that would promote democratic governance."
Sounds pretty dangerous to me.
It was a close one between going after Cass Sunstein and Mark Lloyd, but I think Lloyd presents a more present danger at this point. They are going to want to shut down the right (Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Malkin, etc) as fast as they can at this point. They are causing major damage. Expect a couple blog posts on Mark Lloyd in the next few days.