It is a darn good thing that I have mad sewing skills. Otherwise, I would have bought my third harness in 5 months. Besides, the ones I make are so much cuter than anything you can find in a store. If you don't know how to sew, I suggest learning. If you get good enough at it, you start looking at stuff in stores and saying, "I could make that, I could do that, I could sell that," and you can make money off of it. I can't wait to have kids so I can make clothes for them.
That little blue harness was big on her when we brought her home...now she is just a fat fatty.
She actually isn't fat at all. She has only gained 2 pounds since we got her. I better quit calling her fat, I might hurt her self esteem.
That little blue harness was big on her when we brought her home...now she is just a fat fatty.

Speaking of fat fatties, Johanna and I are sick of being ones and have joined a gym. I personally blame working somewhere that constantly provides free donuts, muffins, bagels, and other fattening things to people who sit all day long. So instead of waiting for the government to come bail me out of my fatness, I am going to do something about it. Don't worry, I will update you on our progress... if I can move at the end of the first week.
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