Thursday, May 7, 2009

Baby, not Fetus, Hand

Today I had a pro-abortion friend berate me for daring to post the famous "Hand of Hope" picture where children could see it.

Their argument, children have no concept of an adult issue like abortion. They claimed that having other people informing children about abortion is like telling them there is no Santa Claus.

I don't know about you, but my parents never lied and told me there was a Santa in the first place.

Their next point, it is up to a parent alone to talk about. It is up to each of us to decide if we are up to the responsibility of explaining it to our children.

Excuse me? So if you decide you are not up to explaining it and your child asks a question, then what? I can see why you don't want the picture to be up where your child might see it, they might ask too hard of questions.

Moving on, next talking point, if their child saw this they would have nightmares about a bloody baby hand.

whoa whoa whoa, wait, did you say baby hand? I thought that wasn't a baby? You mean that you child recognizes this as a baby?

It turns out children have a very clear understanding of what a baby is, a better understanding that a large portion of the general public.

Get your talking point in order and start indoctrinating your children before they make up their minds that the Hand of Hope is in fact a living baby's hand. Make sure they realize that it is just a scary bloody hand those evil conservative are trying to scare you with. Aren't those people just terrible, scaring you like that?

I wouldn't want those awful pro-lifers to confirm to your child that they are in fact babies and do not deserve to be murdered.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I just found your blog, this post moves me. I have a little story as well. A few years ago when I was dating, I met a young lady that had just graduated from law school. She was very smart, pretty,nice and well spoken. One evening I took her out to dinner and the topic of abortion came up during a stroll afterwards. I told her that I was adamantly against, she said that she wasn't. I then explained that I thought our country was on the road to infantacide, and that the practice was already in place (late term). She thought that it was disgusting to abort even at 9 months, but shouldn't be illegal. So I pressed her on that fact and 'if' the baby was delivered but intended to be aborted, should the government allow that? She said yes, that it shouldn't be illegal. I guess that speaks for itself!
